I'm Joris "Interface" de Gruyter. Welcome To My

Code Crib

CodeCrib Blog - page 2

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Dec 17, 2020 - The Making Of

Filed under: #tech

Welcome to my new site. I’ve been wanting to blog more, but include topics unrelated to Microsoft Dynamics. I wanted a place to put some of the game development stuff I do. And as I’m considering to get into some regular streaming, I want a landing place for anyone checking me out. So, here we are. I started daxmusings.codecrib.com in 2010 on blogspot aka blogger. I attached the custom domain to it at a later time, keeping the daxmusings subdomain. I’ve had stuff on www.codecrib.com on and off, never very interesting. I’ve hosted it in several different ways over the years, most recently as a GitHub Pages site with custom domain attached.



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