I'm Joris "Interface" de Gruyter. Welcome To My

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AX TFS Builds - CodePlex Project

Feb 18, 2011
Filed under: #daxmusings #bizapps

During and after the Dynamics AX Technical Conference, I have spoken and emailed with a lot of people suffering from integration issues with TFS and AX 2009. After demoing our TFS setup to the Microsoft team, we are advising Microsoft on things to be fixed on the TFS integration in AX2012. Of course, they are also tied to how much new functionality they can introduce at this stage in the game, but we’re hopeful something will come out of it. At the technical conference, Microsoft demoed work item integration inside of AX during check-in. However, the big debate and issues are around the one-aos-multi-developer scenario. I’m not expecting all of those issues to be fixed, but they are talking about a workaround for us to overcome the integration issues. No final decisions yet.

In the meantime, I’ve been asked by several parties (including Microsoft) to release the scripts and code fixes we are using here internally at Streamline Systems, or at least document our changes and process. To that end, I have set up a CodePlex project called “Dynamics AX Build Scripts” where I will gradually release our scripts. I’m currently in the process of migration our CMD and VBS mess to Powershell versions, so as I get things converted and tested, I will put those scripts on CodePlex.

There are three scripts so far:

  1. AxCompileHTML2XML.ps1 - this scripts converts the html compile log to xml (basically strips out the few html elements) so it can be queried
  2. CompineXPOs.ps1 - this combines all the source tree XPOs into one big XPO that can be imported easily through command line
  3. CopyLabels.ps1 - this script accepts and FROM and TO path, and copies label files only if they actually contain any label data

All these are pieces to our overall big build script, which I will soon release as well.

I would like to use the CodePlex project as a place for the community to share their ideas and solutions for doing proper ALM with Dynamics AX. To that end, I would like to encourage people who have set up their own scripts to share those as well!

Contact me using the “contact me” button on the right menu, if you have stuff to contribute, and I will get you setup as a contributor on the project.

Dynamics AX Build Scripts


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